
Tasks come above datasets in hierarchy level. In case you want to implement a new task, you need to inherit BaseTask class. You need to implement _get_available_datasets and _preprocess_item functions to complete the implementation. You can check the source to see if you need to override any other methods like prepare_batch.

Check example of VQATask here.


from pythia.tasks.base_task import BaseTask
from pythia.common.registry import registry

class MyTask(BaseTask):
    def __init__(self):

    def _get_available_datasets(self):
        return ["my"]

    def _preprocess_item(self):
        item.text = None
        return item
class pythia.tasks.base_task.BaseTask(task_name)[source]

BaseTask that task classes need to inherit in order to create a new task.

Users must implement _get_available_datasets and _preprocess_item in order to complete implementation.

Parameters:task_name (str) – Name of the task with which it will be registered

Set available datasets for this task here. Override in your child task class Temporary solution, later we will use decorators to easily register datasets with a task

Returns:List - List of available datasets for this particular task

Override this function to add extra parameters to parser in your child task class.

Parameters:parser (ArgumentParser) – Original parser object passed from the higher level classes like trainer
Returns:Description of returned object.
Return type:type

Preprocess an item to be returned from __getitem__. Override in your child task class, so you have control on what you are returning

Parameters:item (Sample) – Sample returned by a particular dataset
Returns:Preprocessed item
Return type:Sample

Override this in case you want to clean the config you updated earlier in update_registry_for_model


Use this if there is some specific configuration required by model which must be inferred at runtime.