Adding a dataset

This is a tutorial on how to add a new dataset to Pythia.

Pythia is agnostic to kind of datasets that can be added to it. On high level, adding a dataset requires 4 main components.

  • Dataset Builder
  • Default Configuration
  • Dataset Class
  • Dataset’s Metrics
  • [Optional] Task specification

In most of the cases, you should be able to inherit one of the existing datasets for easy integration. Let’s start from the dataset builder

Dataset Builder

Builder creates and returns an instance of pythia.tasks.base_dataset.BaseDataset which is inherited from Any builder class in Pythia needs to be inherited from pythia.tasks.base_dataset_builder.BaseDatasetBuilder. BaseDatasetBuilder requires user to implement following methods after inheriting the class.

  • __init__(self):

Inside this function call super().__init__(“name”) where “name” should your dataset’s name like “vqa2”.

  • _load(self, dataset_type, config, *args, **kwargs)

This function loads the dataset, builds an object of class inheriting BaseDataset which contains your dataset logic and returns it.

  • _build(self, dataset_type, config, *args, **kwargs)

This function actually builds the data required for initializing the dataset for the first time. For e.g. if you need to download some data for your dataset, this all should be done inside this function.

Finally, you need to register your dataset builder with a key to registry using pythia.common.registry.registry.register_builder("key").

That’s it, that’s all you require for inheriting BaseDatasetBuilder.

Let’s write down this using example of CLEVR dataset.

import json
import math
import os
import zipfile

from collections import Counter

from pythia.common.registry import registry
from pythia.tasks.base_dataset_builder import BaseDatasetBuilder
# Let's assume for now that we have a dataset class called CLEVRDataset
from pythia.tasks.vqa.clevr.dataset import CLEVRDataset
from pythia.utils.general import download_file, get_pythia_root

class CLEVRBuilder(BaseDatasetBuilder):

    def __init__(self):
        # Init should call super().__init__ with the key for the dataset
        self.writer = registry.get("writer")

        # Assign the dataset class
        self.dataset_class = CLEVRDataset

    def _build(self, dataset_type, config):
        download_folder = os.path.join(
            get_pythia_root(), config.data_root_dir, config.data_folder

        file_name = self.DOWNLOAD_URL.split("/")[-1]
        local_filename = os.path.join(download_folder, file_name)

        extraction_folder = os.path.join(download_folder, ".".join(file_name.split(".")[:-1]))
        self.data_folder = extraction_folder

        # Either if the zip file is already present or if there are some
        # files inside the folder we don't continue download process
        if os.path.exists(local_filename):

        if os.path.exists(extraction_folder) and \
            len(os.listdir(extraction_folder)) != 0:

        self.writer.write("Downloading the CLEVR dataset now")
        download_file(self.DOWNLOAD_URL, output_dir=download_folder)

        self.writer.write("Downloaded. Extracting now. This can take time.")
        with zipfile.ZipFile(local_filename, "r") as zip_ref:

    def _load(self, dataset_type, config, *args, **kwargs):
        # Load the dataset using the CLEVRDataset class
        self.dataset = CLEVRDataset(
            dataset_type, config, data_folder=self.data_folder
        return self.dataset

    def update_registry_for_model(self, config):
        # Register both vocab (question and answer) sizes to registry for easy access to the
        # models. update_registry_for_model function if present is automatically called by
        # pythia
            self.dataset_name + "_text_vocab_size",
            self.dataset_name + "_num_final_outputs",

Default Configuration

Some things to note about Pythia’s configuration:

  • Each dataset in Pythia has its own default configuration which is usually under this structure pythia/commmon/defaults/configs/tasks/[task]/[dataset].yml where task is the task your dataset belongs to.
  • These dataset configurations can be then included by the user in their end config using includes directive
  • This allows easy multi-tasking and management of configurations and user can also override the default configurations easily in their own config

So, for CLEVR dataset also, we will need to create a default configuration.

The config node is directly passed to your builder which you can then pass to your dataset for any configuration that you need for building your dataset.

Basic structure for a dataset configuration looks like below:

        - [dataset]
                ... your config here

Here, is a default configuration for CLEVR needed based on our dataset and builder class above:

        - clevr
            # You can specify any attributes you want, and you will get them as attributes
            # inside the config passed to the dataset. Check the Dataset implementation below.
                # Where your data is stored
                data_root_dir: ../data
                data_folder: CLEVR_v1.0
                # Any attribute that you require to build your dataset but are configurable
                # For CLEVR, we have attributes that can be passed to vocab building class
                    min_count: 1
                    split_regex: " "
                        - ";"
                        - ","
                        - "?"
                        - "."
                # The processors will be assigned to the datasets automatically by Pythia
                # For example if key is text_processor, you can access that processor inside
                # dataset object using self.text_processor
                        type: vocab
                            max_length: 10
                                type: random
                                vocab_file: vocabs/clevr_question_vocab.txt
                        # You can also specify a processor here
                            type: simple_sentence
                            params: {}
                        # Add your processor for answer processor here
                        type: multi_hot_answer_from_vocab
                            num_answers: 1
                            # Vocab file is relative to [data_root_dir]/[data_folder]
                            vocab_file: vocabs/clevr_answer_vocab.txt
                                type: simple_word
                                params: {}
    monitored_metric: clevr_accuracy
    metric_minimize: false

Extra field that we have added here is training_parameters which specify the dataset specific training parameters and will be merged with the rest of the training parameters coming from user’s config. Your metrics are normally stored in registry as [dataset]_[metric_key], so to monitor accuracy on CLEVR, you need to set it as clevr_accuracy and we need to maximize it, we set metric_minimize to false.

For processors, check pythia.tasks.processors to understand how to create a processor and different processors that are already available in Pythia.

Dataset Class

Next step is to actually build a dataset class which inherits BaseDataset so it can interact with PyTorch dataloaders. Follow the steps below to inherit and create your dataset’s class.

  • Inherit pythia.tasks.base_dataset.BaseDataset
  • Implement __init__(self, dataset_type, config). Call parent’s init using super().__init__("name", dataset_type, config) where “name” is the string representing the name of your dataset.
  • Implement get_item(self, idx), our replacement for normal __getitem__(self, idx) you would implement for a torch dataset. This needs to return an object of class :class:Sample.
  • Implement __len__(self) method, which represents size of your dataset.
  • [Optional] Implement load_item(self, idx) if you need to load something or do something else with data and then call it inside get_item.
import os
import json

import numpy as np
import torch

from PIL import Image

from pythia.common.registry import registry
from pythia.common.sample import Sample
from pythia.tasks.base_dataset import BaseDataset
from pythia.utils.general import get_pythia_root
from pythia.utils.text_utils import VocabFromText, tokenize

class CLEVRDataset(BaseDataset):
    def __init__(self, dataset_type, config, data_folder=None, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__("clevr", dataset_type, config)
        self._data_folder = data_folder
        self._data_root_dir = os.path.join(get_pythia_root(), config.data_root_dir)

        if not self._data_folder:
            self._data_folder = os.path.join(self._data_root_dir, config.data_folder)

        if not os.path.exists(self._data_folder):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Data folder {} for CLEVR is not present".format(self._data_folder)

        # Check if the folder was actually extracted in the subfolder
        if config.data_folder in os.listdir(self._data_folder):
            self._data_folder = os.path.join(self._data_folder, config.data_folder)

        if len(os.listdir(self._data_folder)) == 0:
            raise RuntimeError("CLEVR dataset folder is empty")


    def _load(self):
        self.image_path = os.path.join(self._data_folder, "images", self._dataset_type)

        with open(
        ) as f:
            self.questions = json.load(f)["questions"]
            self._build_vocab(self.questions, "question")
            self._build_vocab(self.questions, "answer")

    def __len__(self):
        # __len__ tells how many samples are there
        return len(self.questions)

    def _get_vocab_path(self, attribute):
        return os.path.join(
            self._data_root_dir, "vocabs",
            "{}_{}_vocab.txt".format(self._name, attribute)

    def _build_vocab(self, questions, attribute):
        # This function builds vocab for questions and answers but not required for the
        # tutorial

    def get_item(self, idx):
        # Get item is like your normal __getitem__ in PyTorch Dataset. Based on id
        # return a sample. Check VQA2Dataset implementation if you want to see how
        # to do caching in Pythia
        data = self.questions[idx]

        # Each call to get_item from dataloader returns a Sample class object which
        # collated by our special batch collator to a SampleList which is basically
        # a attribute based batch in layman terms
        current_sample = Sample()

        question = data["question"]
        tokens = tokenize(question, keep=[";", ","], remove=["?", "."])

        # This processors are directly assigned as attributes to dataset based on the config
        # we created above
        processed = self.text_processor({"tokens": tokens})
        # Add the question as text attribute to the sample
        current_sample.text = processed["text"]

        processed = self.answer_processor({"answers": [data["answer"]]})
        # Now add answers and then the targets. We normally use "targets" for what
        # should be the final output from the model in Pythia
        current_sample.answers = processed["answers"]
        current_sample.targets = processed["answers_scores"]

        image_path = os.path.join(self.image_path, data["image_filename"])
        image = np.true_divide("RGB"), 255)
        image = image.astype(np.float32)
        # Process and add image as a tensor
        current_sample.image = torch.from_numpy(image.transpose(2, 0, 1))

        # Return your sample and Pythia will automatically convert it to SampleList before
        # passing to the model
        return current_sample


For your dataset to be compatible out of the box, it is a good practice to also add the metrics your dataset requires. All metrics for now go inside pythia/modules/ All metrics inherit BaseMetric and implement a function calculate with signature calculate(self, sample_list, model_output, *args, **kwargs) where sample_list (SampleList) is the current batch and model_output is a dict return by your model for current sample_list. Normally, you should define the keys you want inside model_output and sample_list. Finally, you should register your metric to registry using @registry.register_metric('[key]') where ‘[key]’ is the key for your metric. Here is a sample implementation of accuracy metric used in CLEVR dataset:

[Optional] Task Specification

This optional step is required in case you are adding a new task type to Pythia. Check implementation of VQATask to understand an implementation of task specification. In most cases, you don’t need to do this.

These are the common steps you need to follow when you are adding a dataset to Pythia.